Issue 1616 – Singing – November 30, 2024

A crow "singing"
Singing crow

I love to sing. The truth is, though, that I am one of those people who couldn’t carry a tune in the metaphorical bucket. I’m like the crow cawing amongst the songbirds.

My singing voice was once compared to a bear in work boots walking in a gravel pit. I’m not sure exactly what that would sound like, but I know it wasn’t a compliment.

At “the cowboy church,” the band and I had an agreement. They wouldn’t preach, and I wouldn’t sing up front.

Yet, we are called to rejoice, to sing the Lord’s praises.

Oh, sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things! His right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him.The Lord has made known his salvation; he has revealed his righteousness in the sight of the nations. Psalm 98:1-2

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises! Psalm 98:4

I’m okay with my lack of musical ability because I know God gifts each of us in different ways. He’s gifted me in writing, teaching, and preaching (forgive me if that sounds boastful; it’s not meant to be; all the glory belongs to Him.)

I sing frequently when I’m by myself. I sing when I’m in a large crowd of people who are also singing. Ask me to lead in singing, and I panic. I can and have done it and will do it again whenever I need to, but it feels strange. 

When it happens, I remember the Psalm 98 verses and stand on it.

In contrast, I have friends who have simply delightful voices. They can sing virtually anything and make it pleasing to my ear. I love to hear them sing praises to the Lord.

I have other gifted friends with strong, beautiful voices and the ability to play virtually any instrument they put their hands on. I, however, have a hard time playing the radio.

The body of Christ has many incredibly gifted musicians and singers. Whatever genre of music suits your personal taste, there are people who can use that genre to praise the Lord in incredible ways.

As wonderful as their songs may be, there is a song that is even more beautiful. We find out about it in an obscure little verse hiding in the works of one of the minor prophets.

The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. The sorrows for the appointed feasts I will remove from you; they are a burden and a reproach to you. Zephaniah 3:17-18

Imagine that. The Lord God Himself, Jehovah-Elohim, rejoices in singing over you and me. What beautiful music it must be when He sings. His voice is powerful enough to speak the world into existence, and the sound of his rejoicing and singing must be joyful beyond measure.

If you ever doubted God’s love for you, reread those verses. He not only sings, but He rejoices over YOU by singing. You are a blessing to God. He sings with joy because of you.

Until next time, I pray you get a glimpse of how much He truly loves you.

Hallelu Yah / Praise God 

KevinZephaniah 3

minor prophets

Psalm 98

Gleanings From The Word

Experience an extraordinary God in ordinary life. 

Soli Deo Gloria (For the glory of God alone)

Never let the enemy tell you that you are worthless or insignificant. Your value in God’s eyes is so great that it was worth dying for. You are a blessing to the world. You are so precious to God that his plan for heaven will not be complete without you.


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