Welcome. Please allow me to share a bit about myself and what I believe.
I am the husband of Kathy, proud father to two sons, both of them pastors and two wonderful daughters-in-law. I am also a proud grandpa to six lovely grandchildren.
Drawing on a wide range of life experiences, I hope to illustrate and interpret Scripture. Scripture alone is inspired and God-breathed. My fallible efforts are to offer some small measure of understanding and application.
I live in Canada but have travelled to the US, Mexico, Western Europe, Asia and Africa. I have lived on both coasts of Canada and many places in between.
I have worked as a labourer in the construction and oilfield industries, served in the Canadian Armed Forces, worked in personal and business banking, served as a church-planting pastor and helped my wife run a Bed and Breakfast.
I am a traumatic brain injury survivor who came to know Christ as my Lord and Saviour while in his 30s.
Gleanings first appeared in January 2001 and ran daily for more than 3700 days. I took a hiatus as other roles took precedence in my life. I began writing Gleanings again in March 2020.
I hope that Gleanings encourages you to draw closer to Jesus somehow.
Our tagline is “Experiencing an extraordinary God in ordinary life.” I believe that most of us live perfectly ordinary lives and that God loves ordinary people. He must because He made so many of us. He meets us where we live, bringing us into a right relationship with him, forgiving our sins and then transforming us into the image of Jesus.
Hallelu Yah (Praise God)
Soli Deo Gloria (To God alone be the glory).
What Do You Believe?
I am…
- A Christian – I affirm that Jesus is my Saviour.
- A Protestant – I affirm the five “solas” of the Reformation.
- Reformed – I affirm the doctrines of grace, principles known to some as Calvinism.
- A Baptist – I affirm the need for a believer’s baptism.
- An Evangelical – I believe in the gospel (the original and authentic meaning of “evangelical”).
- A work in process – I do not claim to have complete biblical or theological understanding, nor do I have the illusion that I have “arrived” in my faith. Christ has justified me by His work alone and is in the process of transforming me into His image.
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