Issue 1242 – The Church – September 8, 2023

If you were looking closely, today’s title is “The Church,” yet the image is clearly one of three churches. The famous “Three Churches” of Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, are Trinity United Church, St John Evangelical Lutheran and Saint James Anglican.
I chose today’s photo simply because, in some ways, it illustrates my point. Other than the names, I know little about these congregations, so I cannot comment on their faithfulness to the gospel. The setting is one of the most photographed sites in the province; it is beautiful.
There is, of course, only one true church, and everything else falls into the category of false church. The true church is those who have trusted in Christ by faith alone. It isn’t something that we can define by denominational or theological labels.
That isn’t to say that those labels are unimportant or without purpose. They can be instrumental in helping us see a broad picture. Sometimes, brands can get in the way, but I typically find them helpful.
The invisible church is all the believers. The visible church is made up of both believers and non-believers who identify (rightly or wrongly) as being Christian.
Some believers never go to a local assembly for worship. It is possible, albeit inadvisable, to be a Christian and not “attend church.” Many people have attended “church” regularly or identify as Christian in some other way but have never bowed their knee to Christ.
Believers are sinners saved by grace. Non-believers are sinners bound for hell if they don’t change directions. You are either part of the church or not; there is no “almost-saved.”
The Lord may have us separated into one group or another, but if we are His, we will always be His. Sometimes, in our blindness, we can miss seeing other believers because they don’t fit our idea of what a believer is or what they should know.
The true church is united in the Spirit.
There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Ephesians 4:4-6
As we strive to walk in both correct thinking (orthodoxy) and right living (orthopraxy), let us be careful not to dismiss others because of non-essential differences.
I’m not responsible for what you believe or what they believe. I am to take responsibility for my own walk (impossible without the Spirit’s help) and love my brothers and sisters in Christ.
May we all learn to do that better.
Be blessed
Hallelu Yah / Praise God
Gleanings From The Word
Experience an extraordinary God in ordinary life.
Soli Deo Gloria (For the glory of God alone)
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All contents, “Gleanings From The Word” and “Experience an Extraordinary God in Ordinary Life,” are © 2001, 2023 KF “Kevin” Corbin Gleanings From The Word.
Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is from the English Standard Version (ESV).
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