Issue 1274 – Together – October 17, 2023

I don’t remember where I snapped the photo of this statue of this delightful older couple reading together. I think it is either at the Log Barn in Armstrong, BC, or Desert Hills Ranch in Ashcroft, BC. If you know which, please let me know.
I have no idea if this statue is an original work or simply one of those cast representations of an original work. I suspect the latter, but the figure spoke to my heart, even if that is the case.
Something is compelling and heartwarming about the couple sitting on a bench and reading together. What is their story?
I see them as an old, long-married couple, not wealthy. They are enjoying a quiet moment together, perhaps a Sabbath break from their farm work. Undoubtedly, they are enjoying each other’s company at the moment.
Is he reading the Scriptures to her? Is it a mail-order catalogue (remember those), and they are picking out some dreams that may or may not ever be filled? Those old catalogues carried everything from the most minor household items to clothing, farm supplies, and even kits to build your own house or barn.
Whatever they are reading, the sheer intimacy and joy are a marvel to behold.
When people read together or dream together, a unique bond forms. It is enhanced when it is the Bible that the couple reads and studies together. Perhaps one of the couple reads the Word aloud to the other, and they stop to discuss what they are reading. Maybe they simply share what each has read and what it means to them. Either way, a bond is built.
I have seen it happen when our granddaughters come into our apartment and see Kathy and me reading and marking up our Bibles. They will get their bible and do the same.
When I have read the Bible to Kathy at bedtime or listened to a recording of the Scriptures together before sleep, a powerful bond is formed.
The Apostle Paul admonishes his protege Timothy,
Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching 1 Timothy 4:13
If I might be so bold, I would also encourage the out-loud Scripture reading in the home. As I write this, I am compelled to admit I don’t do this often enough and am writing this partly as a reminder to myself.
Don’t worry if your reading aloud skills aren’t perfect. That will improve with practice.
Don’t be concerned about the exact pronunciation of some of the seemingly impossible biblical names. Do your best or check online; you can often find someone speaking those tricky names.
It isn’t about proficiency. It’s about the power of the Word to create bonds of intimacy. You aren’t alone when you read the Scripture as a couple; the Holy Spirit is present with you.
May you and your spouse, family or friends find that bond that comes from sharing the Word together.
Be blessed
Hallelu Yah / Praise God
Gleanings From The Word
Experience an extraordinary God in ordinary life.
Soli Deo Gloria (For the glory of God alone)
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All contents, “Gleanings From The Word” and “Experience an Extraordinary God in Ordinary Life,” are © 2001, 2023 KF “Kevin” Corbin Gleanings From The Word.
Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is from the English Standard Version (ESV).
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