Issue 679 – Over Coffee – March 10, 2022

Coffe and Ipad. Gleaning From the Word

Kathy and I have just finished a nasty bout of the  “virus that shall not be named” despite being vaccinated three times. The vaccines didn’t prevent us from getting the virus, but like a typical flu vaccine, minimized the severity of the symptoms.

Having said that, I know people on all ends of the pro/anti-vaccine spectrum. My goal this morning isn’t to enter that debate, so please, let’s not go there in the comments and emails.

I bring it up only to introduce a line of thought. Later this morning, I am meeting a friend at a coffee shop. It will be a treat as it has been more than a month since I could do that. Of late, my morning coffee time has tended to look more like the photo than a coffee shop.

As I was thinking about my upcoming outing I was reminded of another coffee shop visit some years ago. I was visiting a neighbour at a nearby coffee shop,

We spoke of a denomination that she used to belong to. Several years prior, the head of the denomination came out with the statement that the Bible is not true and that Jesus is not necessary for salvation. She asked me, “If they don’t believe those things, why do they bother to call themselves Christian?”

It was a valid question. A church that doesn’t believe in the truth of the Bible has fallen away. They have no standard but their own opinion upon which they can base matters of faith, doctrine and practice. It’s a guarantee that the church has fallen into grave error.

A church that denies Jesus as the sole source of salvation has done more than drifted into error. They have moved into outright heresy and apostasy. To quote Pastor, author and Bible teacher John MacArthur, they have become “the church of hell.” Now there are many areas that I don’t see eye to eye with John MacArthur, but he’s right on the money with that comment.

Scripture warns that false churches will arise in the end times and are to be avoided. They will teach false doctrines and pervert the truth.

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. 

2 Peter 2:1-3a

Scripture also says that these teachers will be judged.

Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.

2 Peter 3b

The church has two components. The visible church includes all those who use the name, Christian. That church contains many who are not part of the true church. There is also the invisible church, the true church, which consists of all true believers regardless of denomination.

If you’re sitting in a church that teaches that the Bible is not the truth, that the resurrection didn’t happen or that you don’t need Jesus, get up and leave. It promotes lies and denies people the hope of salvation.

It is time to go if they teach that some other book or their tradition trumps the Bible. At best, they are in serious error on crucial issues; at worst, it is not part of the true church.

If they teach salvation is by your works, not God’s grace, find a new church.

Compare the teaching you hear to what the Scriptures say. Put your faith in Jesus alone.

Leaving a church should never be done on a whim and must be given serious prayer and thought. It isn’t something that I advocate lightly, people change churches too easily and often for the wrong reasons, but some things are simply not acceptable.

Until next time, rejoice that He left the truth to help us stay the course. Please read it, study it and allow it to guide you.

Hallelu Yah (Praise God) 

Be blessed 

Hallelu Yah (Praise God)

Be blessed. 


Gleanings From The Word.

Experience an extraordinary God in ordinary life. 

Soli Deo Gloria (for the glory of God alone.)


All contents are © 2001, 2022 K. F. “Kevin” Corbin and Gleanings From The Word.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are from the English Standard Version (ESV). Spelling modified to Canadian English as required. 


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