Issue 889 – Pharaoh, Pharaoh – October 21, 2022

As part of this past summer’s Vacation Bible School, the children walked through the story of Joseph. In this scene, Pharaoh is about to talk with Joseph about the weird dreams Pharaoh had (Genesis 41). The story of Joseph is quite the tale about the hand of God and His sovereign rule over all things.
Generations after this Pharaoh’s rule, we encounter another pharaoh who enslaves and abuses the Hebrew people. The people cry out to God, and eventually, in God’s timing, Moses is sent by God to bring the Hebrew people out from under the bondage of slavery into freedom. Even non-believers know the story of the plagues that beset the Egyptians, the freeing of the Hebrews, and the parting of the Red Sea, which led to Pharaoh’s demise.
We look at the heart of Pharaoh and his stubbornness. We wonder how his heart can be so hard even after overwhelming evidence that God is who He claims to be.
If we fast forward a couple of thousand years, Jesus appears on the scene. He works sign after sign and miracle after miracle. He turns water into wine, feeds thousands with a few fish and some bread, and he calms the storm. Jesus casts out demons, heals the sick and raises the dead. Yet the crowds are not convinced.
Fast forward another couple of thousand years. People hear the gospel over and over again. Yet their hearts are still hard, and most will reject the truth. Only relatively few people will bow their knees willingly to God and trust in faith in Christ.
How can that be? Are people really that blind and stubborn? Yes, they are.
The Bible teaches us some uncomfortable truths about the nature of fallen people.
Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins. Ecclesiastes 7:20
They have all turned aside; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one. Psalm 14:3
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23
Yes, all of us are sinners by nature, choice, thought, and deed. Jesus offers us the only true lifeline. How can people refuse? The Bible pulls no punches about answering that question.
And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. John 3:16-21
The unfortunate truth is that sinners, even when they hate their sin, prefer it to God. in that respect, we truly are dead in our sin. Our hearts need to be brought back to life.
Only the Holy Spirit can do that work.
We are called to love people and share the truth with them. We can demonstrate, explain and argue as needed but cannot “convert” anyone. That is the sovereign role of God almighty.
So why do we bother to evangelize, then? We do so because Christ has commanded us to do so, and we know what fate awaits those who refuse to turn. We don’t know who the Spirit has called, so we do our part faithfully and trust in Him to do His part.
Some will remain as stubborn as Pharaoh, but some will be saved from the fires.
We must do as the Lord commands and leave the results to Him. Only by His grace were we saved, not any effort on our own. Pray for others to be found as well.
Praise His name.
Be blessed
Hallelu Yah / Praise God
Gleanings From The Word
Experience an extraordinary God in ordinary life.
Soli Deo Gloria (For the glory of God alone)
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All contents, “Gleanings From The Word” and “Experience an Extraordinary God in Ordinary Life,” are © 2001, 2022 K.F. “Kevin” Corbin Gleanings From The Word.
Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is from the English Standard Version (ESV).
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