Issue 676 – Time Flies – March 7, 2022

I looked through some of my old photos this morning and came across this one from 1968. Yes, I am there (third row from the bottom, the guy with big ears next to the teacher). Mind you, with the hairstyle, most of the boys seem to have big ears.
It is a typical class photograph. The student body seems to consist of children, preteens and teens, at least in terms of our various stages of development.
There is a mix of stylish and not having a clue about fashion. One fellow looks ready to shave, something I wouldn’t have to worry about for a few years. I imagine we fell into the usual categories of students; I was likely the equivalent of a nerd or a geek, not an athlete or prominent fashion maven. Certainly, I was socially clueless.
It’s hard to believe that photo is than 50 years old. I would have been about 11 years old, making my father about 30. I loved him, but he was old. I am older now than my grandparents were then, and they seemed ancient to me way back then.
I don’t know what the younger me would have thought about the future. I know for sure that I wouldn’t have been able to comprehend the reality of life in the 21st century, and being on the north side of 60—time flies. Yet, here I am.
Life is in many ways like a fleeting shadow—time flies.
Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow. Psalm 144:4
I have learned that many of the things that caused me angst or brought me temporary happiness along life’s journey were trivial. I survived the broken teenage hearts. I didn’t actually die of embarrassment. Nobody cares that I won the “Manager of the Year” award for that company that went out of business decades ago.
It is becoming less important to me that I am right in everything. Note I said less; I am still working on it. Relationships matter more than being right and proving it.
Now that I am past 60, my idea of “old” has changed significantly. I know some very “young” people in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. I also know some very “old” 40 and 50-year-olds.
The Lord gives us a finite number of years, and we don’t know how many they will be. I could be in His presence before you read this, or 30 years into the future, I might be looking at some of the things I wrote of late and marvelling at how bad they were. I know I cringe when I think of some of the earliest Gleanings.
I am no King Solomon and cannot claim to have his wisdom or experiences, but I have learned that he knew something essential.
The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
That is true whether we are six, sixteen, or ninety-six. The pleasures and pains will come and go, but what we do with the Lord remains forever.
I don’t know how many days any of us have left. I encourage us all to devote them to what truly matters.
Be blessed
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Hallelu Yah (Praise God)
Be blessed.
Gleanings From The Word.
Experience an extraordinary God in ordinary life.
Soli Deo Gloria (for the glory of God alone.)
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